A computer is an 'open' platform, able to be made better simply by software alone... but only up to a point. How many of us are using a ten or fifteen year old computer? Damn few, I'd say..!
The idea that an open keyboard future-proofs us is demonstrably false. New OS's, new power-hungry plug-ins, new I/O standards, all of those make us turn over our computers on a cycle probably not THAT different to the arranger cycle. And, an open keyboard being basically nothing more than a computer inside a keyboard case, why does anyone think it is less in need of replacement every few years? I would doubt, even though it MIGHT be feasible to do, that many of us are running a modern TOTL computer in a ten to fifteen year old case and peripherals, either.
Add to that that no keyboard company is going to stay in business making ONE model, that software alone keeps viable for YEARS. There are only so many of us, and new products and turnover is what will keep them in business. And you better PRAY that they stay in business, because, as OS's change, and newer plug-ins ONLY work on the latest OS's, somebody is going to have to work constantly to keep them up to date.
And sorry, abacus, but EVERYBODY wants something as good sounding OOTB as a T4, PA2Xpro or G70! THEN they can improve it from there. But when simply even getting to the point of the same quality (no-one's saying it needs to be IDENTICAL... it needs to be, as you keep saying it can be, AS GOOD) seems to be beyond the capability of even its' most ardent fans (you EVER going to play us some of what it is capable of?

), it simply seems the ONLY people that want one are those determined to do everything themselves. And that is a TINY, tiny fraction of the arranger market.
But, if you WANT something that sucks the day you get it, and will probably take a lifetime to sound better, well, you've made the perfect choice!