I'm using loops samples in drum2 (SD1 4.0c). I did everything by the book but when i'm turning on wave sync drum2 repeats the 1st beat over and over even though the loop is a full bar long. yes, I did define sample start end and loop and also pitch=sync and bar=1 gives me the right tempo. after spending some time i've found a way around it. I hit C3 key on 1st beat of every bar and hold it up to the end of that bar. it's not very easy because if i release too soon, there's a gap in the loop, but that's the only way i found. is that the way it ment to be? what am i doing wrong?
also, I only have room for 1 sample or 1 msp. I loaded 2 loops in a msp and I'm trying to sync using the above method. now the loop which resides at C3 syncs fine but the other one fall out of sync. is there a way to have all loops in a msp sync to tempo?