So, what's the REAL skinny? How many styles for the SD-1 did Ketron release in the, what, four or five years it was on the catalog, which had ENTIRELY new styles (not translations from earlier MIDI styles) and which had entirely new audio loops for the drums?
Truth is, I'm FAR more confident about my G70 than you were about your older Ketron. Still got mine, and still haven't heard anything that I would rather have. I would hardly call THAT insecurity!

Roland came out with several sets of new styles for the G70, MidiSpot and a few other third party houses had upwards of a hundred or so new (completely new) styles for purchase, and translations from newer Roland arrangers (E80 and Prelude/GW-8 were a snap to convert with the Makeup Tools) which added over a hundred totally new styles. And that isn't even counting all the legacy styles, which again were a snap to convert.
Even if you don't count translations from non-Roland arrangers, I've got more new styles than my G70 came with in the first place. Add to that how utterly easy it is to completely revoice a style to sound almost NOTHING like the original, and my old warhorse is still fresh as ever...