I'm very excited about the arranger that Korg will make in ten years time from now..!

I mean, why waste your time getting all wet below the waist at an arranger you have NO IDEA what will be on it that is JUST about to come out (maybe, possibly, as far as you guess), when you can get all worked up about something that will leave you gasping for a good ten years..?!

Plus, you have the advantage that, there MIGHT be a slight possibility that some of your wishlist be achieved by then. It DEFINITELY isn't going to happen on the NEXT PA series, that's a fact!

Not to mention that, if they actually DID fill your wishlist, it would be three times the price of an Audya!
So, let's just remain moist for things so far in the future, we don't have to worry about being disappointed within a few months... Let's defer that disappointment for at least a decade or so, eh..?!