Once again, I'll repeat it (for those whose memories don't extend much past the last page or so of this thread):
Of the ten 76 players who DID respond to the question (or at least to a more broad question of whether they would buy a 76 Yamaha PSR or Tyros), eight of the ten WOULD. And that is DESPITE having some previously reported reservations about the keybed or sound.
You see, just like whatever you are currently playing, we are ALL prepared to accept certain limitations to get the arranger we want. You think I'm HAPPY the G70 is so heavy?

But I play it nonetheless! You think I'll be HAPPY the keybed on the 76 S910 (or DGX or whatever Yamaha decide to CALL it!)? Of course not. But I'll still play it! And as to the sound, well, as I said, for background restaurant type gigs, it's actually maybe a better fit than the punchy Roland one I have now. Plus, it's a more 'pure' arranger than the G70, and that's what I'll be solely using it for.
So, you see, just because we can find fault with an arranger doesn't necessarily rule out actually using it! At least I am honest enough to admit that there are things i WOULD like better on what I currently use, and should I ever get a 76 PSR, I would STILL be honest enough to say that the keybed COULD be better (unlike some here). But that won't rule out me using it.
Every one of you, if you drop your defensive dogma, can probably find SOMETHING you'd prefer improved on your own arranger. But you still play it. Allow us the same right, eh?