Maged: Based on the hardware structure, we cannot currently provide the capability of selecting files fro various voice banks.
AJ, how about a downloadable software from Ketron web site that allows us to select different sounds from different banks? You guys must have something like that in order for you to be able to make sound banks!
Ketron-AJ here's a couple of things that I would like my x1 to be able to do:
1- the abbility to create my own snd (i just bought a pa1x for that specific reason) 2-the abbility to save user voices separately instead loading a whole bank that's it that's all i'm asking for . thank you
Mr. AJ: I would just love to see you add the feature for the ability of STEP RECORDING for user styles. For fast drum and percussion rolls that slowly increase or decrease in volume, or to place notes in proper time, or the ability to increase or decrease the sustain is much easier to do with step recording. I bought my x1 strictly for using as an arranger and to be able to custom make my own styles. And I am having trouble making them recording in real time.
Mr. AJ: If those volume buttons that are used for saving quarter tuned scales, were also assigned to the 12 individual notes for on/off quarter tuning that would be great. It would be just like having a quarter tune feature on the pannel like the vega!!! This would be a the best upgrade for the oriental x1!!! Thank you!!!
Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Here is an addition to my list AJ:
-When editing a user voice...Can u try to allow us to simply select a new sound from the internal sounds to replace the one that was edited? In other words, if I edit a Sax sound with , then save it in a user voice. Now instaed of having to go chose trumpet sound, go to edit and select same parameters Idid for the sax. Why cant I simply go to the SAX user voice, replace the SAX sample with the Trumpet sample, and save it to a new location! That will make life much easier. Thanks
I actually discovered about a month ago that this can be done already so no need for this one. Thanks
[This message has been edited by Mosiqaar (edited 09-20-2004).]
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3606
Loc: Middletown, DE
With 2 shows ahead of us, we've been pretty booked trying to get things together for the Rimini show in Italy, and the Frankfurt show in Germany (in 2 weeks).
#29681 - 03/20/0408:50 AMRe: Link to OS updates for X1 urgently needed!
Dear AJ, is it possible in the new OS to have a new chord recognition able to detect chords only when three or more notes are played?This makes it possible to play one or two note variation with the left hand without causing a chord change. The best would be to be able to play a bass part mono with no change of the chord. I had this feature in the Technics3000. Thanks
Registered: 08/22/02
Posts: 21
Loc: Houston, TX, USA
Hi AJ I am also still patiently waiting for the new X1 OS Release. To tell you the truth I am not very optimistic.. however let me inject a couple of wishes too (which I hope might have been already proposed by someone else so that they may be already included in the new OS).
Wish No. 1 The ability of "accelerando / ritardando", i.e. increasing or decreasing tempo by a certain % over a certain number of measures. This function could be activated for instance by pressing two buttons simultaneously (for example the Arrange Buttons A and B to accelerate and C and D to slow down). Possibly the parameters (% and number of measures) could be customized by the user in the "Arrange Mode".
Wish No. 2 A Tap function to set the tempo. May be the Count/Pause/Restart Buttont could be used for this too?
Thank you.
With 2 shows ahead of us, we've been pretty booked trying to get things together for the Rimini show in Italy, and the Frankfurt show in Germany (in 2 weeks).