Guys... sorry, but I still don't think you quite get it.
The Chord Sequencer is EXACTLY like arranger playing. In other words, forget making SMF's in advance... and forget about making Chord Tracks in advance. Even though you COULD save a chord sequence and recall it, it's main use was simply taking down what you JUST DID... Not the 'correct' changes, but whatever you FELT like playing, that night. And THAT, my friends, is why we play arrangers!
If you want the same backing every night, the same way, you go for SMF's... why tie up one of your hands playing chords, when they are ALWAYS going to be the same? But arranger players want flexibility. We want to substitute chords one night, or do a song as a rhumba one night, and a bolero the next.
That's what the CS does for you. Play the intro, hit "record', play the head. Hit 'Play' and now the changes you just played will loop. BUT.... not the fills or variations or even style (if you want it this way, it would do the other as well)! Play a vamp, loop it. "Riff Mode, but your own changes! Play the verse and chorus. Loop it. Go play another instrument. You can STILL select fills and variation changes, as you play your horn, or guitar, or kazoo!
Jump back to playing normal arranger, with no interruption to the beat.
I have no idea why this isn't the #1 requested new arranger feature. It truly makes Chord Tracks and Riff Modes and everything else seem like the Stone Ages. And it is REALLY simply to pull off...
All it needs are some voices asking for it (and maybe those that don't understand it to not shout it down
) and maybe it will reappear. And that will be a GOOD day..!