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#298257 - 10/31/10 01:29 AM YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
chony Offline
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Registered: 03/10/04
Posts: 1247
Loc: New York
Before I begin, let me point out that I have been an active member of SZ since 2004 and have never written a negative review on any keyboard nor have I engaged in any sort of brand bashing. I'll also point out that I've owned the Tyros, Tyros 2, Tyros 3 and now the Tyros 4, as well as the s910 (my traveling keyboard), and the Korg Pa2x.

With that introduction, here goes:

If you’re upgrading from the T2 or lower, and customization is not important to you, you’ll be happy with the T4. But if you’re upgrading from the T3, and/or customization IS important to you, this keyboard is NOT for you.

The Tyros 4 is an update, not an upgrade, and it is full of bugs.

The Tyros 3 by comparison, was a proper upgrade to the T2. On the hardware end, it added sliders, a new user layout, better resolutions screen. In the sound department, it added amazing synths, 6 new drum kits, pianos, saxes, trumpets. In the software department, it added an advanced sampling section that cut down sample load times by 90%, and of course SA2 technology.

Let’s compare that to what the T4 adds to the T3: New pop and gospel voices, VH2 and Flash Ram if you pay an additional $300. Essentially everything else is the same. Yamaha didn’t even design a new case.

Let’s look at this objectively:

- There is no reason to build a new keyboard for the voices, because the T3 already has the capacity to load new expansion voices. Yamaha even produced an SA2 Trombone and Pan Flute for sale for the T3 and could have done the same with all the new instruments on the T4. (Of course the Trombone and Pan Flute are not in the T4, because you’re supposed to pay extra for them.)

In my opinion, the pop and gospel voices are corny. I don’t plan to ever use them in a performance. In fact I wish there was a setting that would allow me to mute them from all styles.

Some of the voices are updated, but it’s a joke. Take the pianos for example. All the pianos were changed into SA2 voices. Apparently this gives them resonance and key off sounds. If you've ever had the good fortune of playing a sampled piano, you know what an advantage this is. It brings the piano to life. Now, I have a pretty good ear and sat with both keyboards side by side and tried to hear the difference. Here is a short clip. Can you tell the difference? . Neither can I.

There are three new drum kits. Real drums, Real brushes, and Drum Machine. These are actually good kits, but too few to be considered an upgrade.

The new guitars are good, the ability to use SA voices in styles is also a plus. But quite honestly, altogether, the new sounds are nothing to write about.

I was really shocked however that the T4 does not have the Chinese, Indian, and Arabic ethnic percussion of the s910. It just makes no sense at all that the mid-line keyboard has more percussion options than the flagship. What’s going on here? This is a first!

- The VH2 seems alright, but people don't buy a new $3500 keyboard because they can sing into it, especially since you can pay $300 and get a machine which does it much better.

- The option to have Flash Ram is good, but you can only use Yamaha’s product, so you have to shell out an additional $300 (no discounts). Basically the upgrade is that instead of waiting 1 minute for the samples to load; you wait 15 seconds.

Now, to tell you the truth, I knew all of this going in, but decided to buy it anyway because I felt I could improve my music product even slightly with this machine. But nothing prepared me for the problems I have encountered over the last few days.

In short, if you have any thoughts of customizing your keyboard, be aware that the T4 is full of bugs.

Editing custom styles is very frustrating. For example I wanted to change the volume on an instrument on one of my custom styles. So I change it in the style creator. But then I realize that the “Bass” instrument has mysteriously changed. So I change the Bass back. Only to realize that now all the volumes and instruments for the entire style have changed for no apparent reason. Every time I fix one thing, another problem arises. I sat on a single style tonight for an hour trying to get it back to normal with no success. It was like a game of hide and seek. Every time I identified a problem, it would duck and reappear in a different form somewhere else. There were some styles that I managed to fix, only to return to them 5 minutes later and find they were all corrupted again.

I am sure this is a T4 problem and not a problem in my styles, because these very same styles work beautifully on my T3. Basically there are bugs in the T4 programming.

This really surprised me because I’m used to Yamaha putting out stable instruments. Although I’ve owned all the Yamaha flagships, I’ve never needed to update the system software because I’d never encountered problems. But in the case of the Tyros 4, although there is no significant change in the software from the T3, it is full of bugs. I have other custom styles that sometimes work and sometimes do not. It’s really bizarre.

Not only have my styles taken on a life of their own, my samples have too. Some of them have become really loud, some of them really soft. Many of my samples are middle eastern percussion. Even though the percussion volume is set to 80 for a style, it is deafening loud in one variation, almost impossible to hear in another. Sometimes within a single variation it will dip for no reason. I tried editing the volumes so that they would be somewhat equal, but ran into the problems I described previously.

If there was someone at Yamaha to speak with, it would help. But unfortunately Yamaha does not have a number to a technical service department.

In conclusion, it seems to me that Yamaha has made the mistake of taking its customers for granted. They feel that “if we build it, they’ll buy it.” They don’t seem to understand that the reason the T3 was such a success is because it was a genuine upgrade. I do not believe the T4 will see anything close to that success.

I bought this keyboard unheard and unseen because I trusted Yamaha. I just can’t help but feel that I’ve been taken advantage of.

#298258 - 10/31/10 03:21 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4410
Loc: Norway
Finally someone wrote a very good and informative report.
Thank you chony, good work!

I'm still wondering why they sell Yamaha T4 lower priced than T3 that still are in stock.
Never seen this happen before, least here in Norway. Normally successors always priced
higher or at least at the same level, when older models get a lower pricelevel.

Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#298259 - 10/31/10 03:26 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
Bill in Dayton Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2207
Loc: Dayton, OH USA

How long have you had the T4?

Thanks for the review....

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton

#298260 - 10/31/10 04:59 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
gilbert Offline

Registered: 03/09/02
Posts: 294
Loc: Oelsnitz /E Germany
Hi Choney,

I am not sure what method you used to edit your custom syles,but the method I used gave no problems.

IF its any help,My method,
1. Press intro3 and direct axcess
2. Alter perameters.
3. go into style cerator,press save and save to the area of your choice.I have tried this with both a custom and internal style.No problem.


[This message has been edited by gilbert (edited 10-31-2010).]

#298261 - 10/31/10 05:13 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
abacus Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5426
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Hi chony
Very interesting review, with the initial statement being completely opposite to my impression, in that apart from the SA2 voices I found the T3 to be overall a retrograde step after the T2, (1 Step forward, 3 steps back) whereas from what I have heard so far, the T4 is what the T3 should have been, and a true replacement for the T2. (An opinion shared by a lot of users on various forums as well)
Just goes to show how different users interpret the sound and OS of instruments.

There were problems with the processing power of the T3 (Well Documented) which when using some of the premium vocal packs, caused the styles to stutter, and weird sounds to occur, therefore the T3 was already maxed out and was unlikely to be able to be updated further. (The new T4 has significantly increased processing power, (According to Yamaha) and the vocal packs now work sweet as a nut)

I frequent various forums, and the bugs you mention I have not seen elsewhere, and this combined with the fact that you think the T4 is only marginally better than the T3, (Plus Yamahas normally rock solid OS) would lead me to suspect that you have a faulty keyboard.

I would contact a Yamaha service centre to see what they say.

I noticed that a link to this thread has been posted on the YPKO Forum so it might be worthwhile keeping an eye on what they come up with.

I hope all your problems get sorted quickly, (I am sure Yamaha will sort it, as soon as they are made aware of it)


English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).

#298262 - 10/31/10 06:33 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
Originally posted by abacus:
Hi chony
Very interesting review, with the initial statement being completely opposite to my impression, in that apart from the SA2 voices I found the T3 to be overall a retrograde step after the T2, (1 Step forward, 3 steps back) whereas from what I have heard so far, the T4 is what the T3 should have been, and a true replacement for the T2. (An opinion shared by a lot of users on various forums as well)
Just goes to show how different users interpret the sound and OS of instruments.

There were problems with the processing power of the T3 (Well Documented) which when using some of the premium vocal packs, caused the styles to stutter, and weird sounds to occur, therefore the T3 was already maxed out and was unlikely to be able to be updated further. (The new T4 has significantly increased processing power, (According to Yamaha) and the vocal packs now work sweet as a nut)

I frequent various forums, and the bugs you mention I have not seen elsewhere, and this combined with the fact that you think the T4 is only marginally better than the T3, (Plus Yamahas normally rock solid OS) would lead me to suspect that you have a faulty keyboard.

I would contact a Yamaha service centre to see what they say.

I noticed that a link to this thread has been posted on the YPKO Forum so it might be worthwhile keeping an eye on what they come up with.

I hope all your problems get sorted quickly, (I am sure Yamaha will sort it, as soon as they are made aware of it)



I would have to agree that you must have a faulty keyboard. There are dozens of folks at the yamahapkowner forum who have had their T4s for weeks. Eileen even creates her own styles, and I'm sure she's been using the style editor like crazy to upgrade her custom styles.

You must have a faulty machine.

I have never found Yamaha tech support to be waiting at the phone with bated breath. On the other hand, they will almost always call you within 24 hours. Sometimes I have gotten them on the phone after a 15 minute wait. It depends. You will resolve these problems don't worry.

In the meantime, you can see if any other T4 owner can reproduce the bugs that are in your unit.

Drums are the backbone of almost any song, so if you have several vastly improved drum kits that appear in almost every song you do, that's a pretty big deal.

It sounds like the improvements in the grand piano are too subtle to satisfy.

Good luck.


#298263 - 10/31/10 06:40 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4410
Loc: Norway
Originally posted by Beakybird:
.....I have never found Yamaha tech support to be waiting at the phone with bated breath. On the other hand, they will almost always call you within 24 hours. Sometimes I have gotten them on the phone after a 15 minute wait. It depends. You will resolve these problems don't worry.....

Sounds like you have experienced some problems and are familiar to Yamaha support then?
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#298264 - 10/31/10 06:52 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
Irishacts Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
You might find this an interesting read.

It's me reflecting on the last 15 years and how little progress has been made compared to the speed the software / VSTi / DAW world has exploded in such a short space of time.

I'm also taking a pop at Yamaha who as the inventors of VL-Technology have lost all of their innovation. My rant hasn't very much to do with Arrangers specifically even though I do talk a little on the Tyros. It's more about everything in general to be honest.

Yamaha is milking their users like Cows. The Motif series has been milked to death, and the same can be said with the Tyros. There's nothing wrong with bring out new keyboards every 2 years, but for crying out loud lets see some seriously development and not incremental upgrades that could have been sold on a CD.


#298265 - 10/31/10 06:58 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
Originally posted by Gunnar Jonny:
Sounds like you have experienced some problems and are familiar to Yamaha support then?

If waiting until the end of the day or until the very next day is a problem, then I have.

All my technical issues were resolved to my satisfaction.

Yamaha even replaced for free a buggy PSR-S900 that I severely scratched.


#298266 - 10/31/10 09:36 AM Re: YAMAHA TYROS 4 REVIEW
ianmcnll Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Irishacts:
Yamaha is milking their users like Cows. The Motif series has been milked to death, and the same can be said with the Tyros. There's nothing wrong with bring out new keyboards every 2 years, but for crying out loud lets see some seriously development and not incremental upgrades that could have been sold on a CD.


Spoken like a true blue Korgian fanboy.

Just to balance the scales, Korg has been doing the very same...basically since the I-series.

Does it make it right?

Companies that don't make a profit, generally fail...unless the rules have been changed?

It's nice to see Korg and Yamaha still in the business of making TOTL/MOTL arrangers, even if some people don't think they develop them enough, or grow to what they think they should.

These companies could be in Roland's situation, and making none at all.

Thankfully we still have them.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.

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