Originally posted by Nigel:
Is there anything you miss about the Music Pad Pro that you used to use compared with the iPad?
Hi Nigel. Yes, the Music Pad's includes dedicated music note & symbol annotation & editing, and it's larger screen size makes it significantly easier to read full piano score music, and to play classical piano pieces (multiple page works with various repeats, codas, etc). The iPad supports multiple page turns with a simple finger swipe/tap right (page forward), swipe/tap left (page back), but the MPP goes farther in being able to 'memorize & store' each successive page turn, allowing you to automatically go from ie: page 1 to 3, back to 2, and then to page 4. I don't know of an iPad app that supports this (yet).
Originally posted by montunoman:
1) How do you see the Tyros screen when the iPad is resting on it?
2) What if you chart is more than one page?
3) How well does the ipad do in sun light?
1) You can't. Because all my song-style setups are stored in Yamaha Regs (1-8) I don't need to see the LCD screen while performing a song or song medley. After I complete a song, I can simply lift the iPad off the screen and set it to my side until I need to use it again. Since my core repertoire is memorized and/or played by ear, I only need to call up the iPad occasionally, for songs I'm not very familiar with, or have forgotten lyrics to. Afterall I seriously doubt anybody knows how to play as many songs (over 10,000+_ as I have stored in my iPad digital fakebook & leadsheet collection. In this business, the ability to satisfy an obscure song request can yield an enormous tip. The iPad has paid itself off in circumstances like many times.

2) Easy Peasy. The iPad supports multiple page docs & intuitive page turning with a simple finger-tap/swipe (left or right) on the screen. I think there's a 3rd party foot pedal switch adapter available as well which will allow you to turn pages hand free as well, but I haven't yet found the need for this.
3) I find the outdoor view ability bright & impressive. Though in direct sun , you'll only see a reflective image of your face, without the sun's rays directly hitting the screen, the iPad screen (for both music & text) is impressively bright and easy to read outdoors. This is in contrast to the Tyros2's LCD screen which is totally useless when viewing outdoors even in diffused sunlight.
Jerry: Thanks for your alternative iPad holder link. Looks interesting
