No it was not a joke! This is the question: There are are some sounds on the GM bank that doesn't exist on the SD1 sounds. I know SD1 are really better but sounds like "chimes" just doesn't exist on the SD1 internal sounds.
Any chance that they might enable you to access the SD1 sounds that are superior as GM sounds for midi files in the new OS?
Personally I don't see much the point of having things like harmonicas, harps, guitars, etc. that you truly can't play properly live. They have to be sequenced carefully to sound right. Why is there a problem with us accesssing those sounds for midi?
THIS is the true problem of the SD-1!! It's too dificult(impossible?) to sequence with SD-1 original voices. GM sounds are pooor! Ok Original sounds, play with many GM voice combined, in many chanels, and it take a lot of polyphonie. But I want to have the possibility to access via midi to those sounds, even one by one, sequencing one track in my computer, and record to an audio track...