Originally posted by Fran Carango:
This is ironic...my first gig (teenager) I played accordion for a free dinner....My last gig (Friday night), I played G70 with an accordion patch...for a free dinner.. 

First gig - 1955, 14 years old, also on accordion with my SANO amp - the gig was a freebie my father had me play at an Eagles club - a stag dinner ... I played songs from the 40s ... I felt a little weird, but that actually set the stage for what was to come as a musician - LOTS of 'weird' gigs through the years ...

I started a band in high school and shortly after I was using 2 guys who played in a different band ... came time to 'consolidate' and they told me if I wanted to play with their group, which was a little more popular, I would have to buy a jacket ... it was between me and a piano player ... the piano player didn't want to spend the $5 for a jacket - royal blue WOOL !!! ... I spent the $5 and the jacket lasted about a year, but we were together for 26 years ...
When I think of the tuxedos we had through the years

http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/biggrin.gif[/img] ... we made one wise decision - to NOT get 'Nehru' jackets, which were the IN thing for about 5 minutes ... [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/biggrin.gif[/img] ...
t. [img]