I like the piano "Sound' on the Pa better than the T4 but the T4 is acceptable. The biggest problem for me with the PA is lack of available styles. Also, the existing styles are very good with some exceptions. The exceptions are those that are too "Busy". I like the simplicity of the Yamaha styles. I do not care for a style that has a "Color" part. A flute or whatever that comes in every now an again. Many styles on the Korg have this. To some this is a plus to me it is a minus.
I know the "Live" issue has been discussed many many times. Is live better?? IMO not necessarily!
To answer your question I think the T4 gives you more options. Now if you feel comfortable with limited style options than I guess it does not matter.
For me, I want the option of using many styles and the Yamaha gives me that option. The support of the Tyros is not equaled by other brands, as you know.
IMO those Yamaha folks that are attracted to the "Live" sound of the Ketron and the Korg will soon get tired and frustrated with the the lack of support and return to Yamaha. Just one mans opinion!!
The musicality of the Yamaha styles are just easier to play with, again, IMO.