Originally posted by Thilo:
Hi Scott, congratulations my friend...
Thilo, it's a wonderful surprise to find your reply here on Synthzone, especially realizing you're a leading member of the
Yamaha Germany Keyboard Forum . My only regret is that I'm not proficient in reading German.
Originally posted by Thilo:
I am working on my first YT-Video. I have now T4 over a month and every day i have new ideas...
Cool! Can't wait to see it, and also hearing about your 'new ideas'.
Originally posted by Thilo:
Sure, T4 was not my love at first sight (as we all know the Music finder-Video...), but the second view is more deeper 
Yep, this appears to be a common initial reaction that I've heard from other T4 owner friends as well, especially those that upgraded from T3. T4 sounds dramatically different (more alive & richer textures) so I suspect it's simply the initial shock of how different it sounds, but once playing technique & tweaking adjustments are made, everyone I've talked to asured me they're rewarded with an incredible unsurpassed sound. I trust this to be the case when I get my Tyros4 as well.