hi Chony, happy Chanuka & thanks for sharing the video. I also enjoyed watching your other vids on your YouTube page as well. It's great to see & hear your performance energy & enthusiasm.

I can only imagine how much even more you must have energized the crowds along the parade route too.

In my Tyros4 test (via Live video Skype with a Tyros4 friend overseas) of attempting to edit a preset style's different style parts, and then re-save it as a user style, I noticed that after calling up that style again later, that only certain style part's volumes mysteriously changed from what they were originally set at when I initially saved the style. Interestingly enough, the style parts which are actually used (utilized) in a given style, 'retain' the volume level I set them at before saving, and it's only the volume levels of the style parts which 'aren't' active (utilized) in a given style variation that mysteriously display different vol levels than they appeared right before the style was saved. That said, because its only the inactive style part volumes that mysteriously change after saving, it doesn't affect the sound of the style, at least from my limited tests with preset styles only. I've not tried this test with custom styles which utilize custom voices, so if this is the case, I hope Yamaha Japan addressees and corrects this problem ASAP.
Chony, thanks again for so diligently documenting your T4 problems and bringing it to the attention of Yamaha and the rest of us and again, Happy Chanuka! - Scott