Hi spalding.
i think those are two very big assumptions James although i wouild be more confident if you were formally involved in the project and not just contributing when you can.
If things go to plan regarding a completely different opportunity presented to Lionstracs, my work might on something else could very well make it's way into all existing Lionstracs products.
So while I am making some very big assumptions, I've already got the upper hand here and the work I have already been doing puts me already far ahead of the game and in an excellent position.
I've been a very little busy bee
However there is a third and probably more important assumption and that is that both the preloaded styles are well programmed (not like the junk that came on the MS previously when Dom blatantly sold it with pirated styles as the mother of all arrangers) and Qranger integrates seamlessly with the hardware or the operational manual is so well written you dont need to be a scientist to configure the board the way you want it to do what you want it to do.
Here's another assumption then....

Picture this..... A Yamaha QY 700 used to write styles. Connected to that is a KORG OASYS, one of the best sounding workstations on the face of the planet. The OASYS playing back the styles from the QY700, and it's own internal full digital re-sampling functions converting the style playing back into a wave file. Those wave files then running on the Meidastation as Audio Styles.
That's a very real option that is available to me right now..!!!! How do you think a Tyros 4 will compare to a KORG OASYS?. Hmmm.... interesting idea.
WE have been here with the MS many many times before so forgive me if i have great reservations.
we had the same points or similar raised every year since 2002 . You were involved in the discussion yourself in 2009 and here we are again as regular as clockwork talking about the potential of the MS as an arranger.
Totally agree, but during that time the Mediastation has become the Ultimate flawless Workstation. So it's not like there was no development taking place. Assuming the new Qranger comes with the ability to be all that an arranger user needs, the only part missing is the content and someone to do the work.
I am not saying it cant happen but i am being honest (not negative) when i say that i will have to see it and hear it and probably play it before i believe it.
I totally understand, but lets not forget all that history as we watched it grow into what is now the ultimate workstation. I say stick a pin in the arranger side of things and lets wait for OS 5.0. Everything else is already in place and there's quite a lot of development work going on elsewhere that could be of massive benefit if things pan out as hoped.
If not... it's still a fantastic workstation and it does already offer arranger functions advanced users can take advantage of to a certain point.