As you all know, it is not easy designing a machine that will be able to satisfy everyone, but thanks to new FLASH, we are able to use software to make more modifications and adjustments today than we were able to do previously.
When we advertise a product as having 64notes max. polyphony, this is the 'total' number of voices that can be reproduced at any given time. Now in order to produce the 'rich' voices that Ketron uses in the new keyboards, we've had to use more than 1 voice on many of the sounds, e.g the Piano uses 3-5 samples (each one representing a note) per key - so depending on the velocity, when you press say a C-note, you might actually be generating 4-5 notes (internaly to reproduce that sound) even though you only pressed one key! When you move on to the Violin and other String instruments, these numbers go up tremendously! With that said, imagine using such voices within the Arranger and then you attempt to play similar voices ... you can now see how 64 notes can very easily be maxed out - not to talk about the live drums.
Now was this an error in design? Given the technology then, NO. With the current software soon to be released (OS4.0b) this polphony will be further increased and made more efficient so you do not exprerience notes that you play dropping out should you reach the new maximum polyphony. Given the current technology, the ratio of voice

olyphony is pretty close (what do I mean?) if we use say the Sd1 with 64 note polyphony and use voices with 5notes each, tomorrow we could design a keyboard say with 300 notes (and everyone would go yeah...) but that would be good if we remained at 6notes per sound. What if we decided to go up and reproduce yet purrer sounds with sounds that had eg 30 notes? You would still be able to run out of polyphony - see my point?
However, with new technology, we are duing some serious research into new products that will be outstanding since we intend to revolutionize the art of capturing sound!
Flavie, no you are not testers of Ketron's experiments and it saddens me that you would think this way. It is your ideas (and others) that we try to implement either within current products (if feasable) or within new ones; our policy still remains (as we've proven with our new software releases) we listen to our customers. Should you stumble across something that doesn't sit right, feel free to sent me an email and I will try and do what I can to make it right, but remember, even with new software, there are some limits. When I refered to you as a team, I did so in good faith meaning were were all in this together, but I guess, I will start using 'friends' now.
Best regards to all.