I was VERY disappointed.
Lucas didn't learn very much of his faults in Ep.1. Okay, he made this movie look different, but better?
The story was not too good, the characters could all have more personality and the lightsaberfights are too fast (so fast that it's difficult to follow) and with too much jumping. And there are not very much really existing sceneries, are there? Almost everything is computer-made. I don't like that, it just doesn't look real (although the special-effects are VERY good).
The movie doesn't have the Star Wars-atmosphere. It doesn't have this magic, this spirit. And the jokes are terrible!!!
Yoda with lightsaber was silly. I didn't like it at all.
And why the hell did Uncle Owen have to be there? Now Darth Vader knows him (he's the husband of his mother!!), Obi-Wan would be SILLY to hide Luke there!! Besides: Owen doesn't know C-3PO in "Star Wars", but in Ep.II he worked with him.
And originally the Death Star was created under the command of Moff Tarkin and not by some weird insects!
But there were nice things, too:
Jango Fett was good, especially the fight with Obi-Wan. Samuel Jackson and Ewan McGregor were good, too and Hayden Christensen could have been worse. But: a man buildt like him can never turn to a man who looks like Dave Prowse (the original Darth Vader). He's 20 years old and has to grow some inches until he reaches Prowe's heigth. But Vader is taller in every direction, not only the height.
Yes, Christopher Lee was okay, too.
Obi-Wan isn't old enough. I think he should be about 30 years old, Anakin 20. But in "Star Wars" Vader calls his Master "old man". Guinnes was in the mid-sixties, Vader has to be about 40 years old to call him an old man, or not?
There are only three Star Wars-Movies: "Star Wars", "The Empire strikes Back" and "The Return of the Jedi".
And there is a "Spaceballs"-Trilogy: "Spaceballs", "Episode I" and "Episode II"
May the force be with You (I mean the real force, not that horrible "Episode1-Medachlorians-JarJar-Anni-PODracer-he'sthechosenone-Idon'tknowanyfurtherdescription-mickeymouse"-force!
Greetings from a real Star Wars-fan (from the REAL Star Wars-Movies)!!