What type of Organ sounds DO you like? Or is it, in your opinion, just the quality of the Organ sounds on the orginal Tyros that you don't like? Because in my opinion there are some very good Organ sounds on the Tyros. Of course you would need to run the Tyros through a good set of speakers to be able to get the full effect and benefit. If you are used to using a stand alone Organ like a Hammond B3, A100, or a C3, etc. then I could see why the Tyros Organs may not seem extraordinarily good to you. But on the other hand M.I.P.A (Musikmesse International Press Awards) awarded the original Tyros the coveted "Best Portable Keyboard & 'Organ' in 2003. It has yet to be determined if the Tyros2 will win that prestigious award from M.I.P.A. in 2006.
From personal experience with the Tyros2 Organs I can say that they are also very good. They've added some additional Organ sounds on the Tyros2 and have included two SAV Organs as well.
I find it interesting that you ordered a Tyros2 sight unseen when you knew beforehand that the original Tyros' organs didn't suit you.
Well, all I can say is if you find out the Tyros2 organs don't meet your expectations and you really need organs that suit your personal taste and preference you always have the 30 day money back guarantee from where you ordered it. I hope....
Best regards,