oKAY!!! I am a happy guy now. It all worked, and I'm up and running, but I feel like telling this story in detail:
I did download the SequencerPlus zip files, and was able to get most of the way through the process, but alas it wouldn't recognize the disketts in my A-drive. Have no clue.
Soooo, I resusitated my old 386 machine (dinosaur) which involved manually entering the CMOS settings for the hard-disk drive because apparently the backup battery died some time ago. I DID have a diskette with SP1 version 3.0 (1987 I think) which loaded (miracles do happen - thanks for the lyric Kenny Loggins). Fortunately that version did support exporting to a *.mid file; however, there are 4 variables with 2 choices each. Not bad, actually, only 8 possible combinations. I actually hit it on the 3rd try using "type-0".
I downloaded Voyetra's demo version of RPMidi, and went through all my songs one by one. There were a few nuances, like it incremented each patch number by 1, except in the cases where the patch was already 1, then it left it alone, but for example it changed patch 9 to 10, etc. Also, it did a very cool thing by combining channels into one track. For example, if I had track 2 and 3 assigned to channel 10, it combined all the notes and midi events into a single track 2. Lastly, it left all the track names blank - so I just copied them down on paper from the old PC (still up and running in the garage), made all those changes and resaved each song as an *.rpp file.
Happy Endings. Thanks Nigel for the tip!!! Now I'm going to do the right thing and submit the FAQ to Voyetra.