Some answers for you ...
1. How to you assign OTS into the style?
>>>AJ:- Can't be done on the Midijay.
2. How do you re-arrange the voice patches sound? Let say I want Nylon Guitar sound assign to number 1, Alto Sax as number 2, Flute as number 3 and so on�
>>>AJ:- Select the location whose voice you want to edit (PRESET). Next, press the EDIT button to edit the voice. In this screen, you can now 'change' e.g. the Piano voice (V1) to Nylon guitar by highlighting it and using the data value wheel to change it. When done, press SAVE and save with the name NYLON. Repeat for all the other locations you wish to edit.
3. How do you assign voice sound into my controller pad/button? My controller has more than 15 assign pads/buttons and I want to assign certain voice sound or functions into those pads/buttons. I am using the M-audio Pro 88 controller.
>>>AJ:- Using the hex-code provided in the Midijay manual, you can program different values into your controller's knobs to control the Midijay functions (start/stop, fill, styles, voices ...etc) 4. Where can I download more of the DJ effect sound�if any?
>>>AJ: You can actually create your own DJ effects ... these are simply Wav files which you can create on any .wav creating device. As for DJ-Effects specifically, not sure where to get complete libraries!