#309567 - 10/16/06 08:16 PM
SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
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Registered: 03/18/00
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#309568 - 10/17/06 01:44 AM
Re: SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
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Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
Thanks Frank. It is hard for me to compare to SGM180,for example, with all of the processing.
If you get it, please report.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#309570 - 10/17/06 02:04 AM
Re: SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
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Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Bernie, I've ordered it but had a problem with the download link. Actually I've had the 24 mb version for about 12 months or more. It was quite a good font at only 24mb's , can't wait to hear what they've now managed to do with 250mb's. It aught to be awesome. I'll get back when I eventually get my order. The sooner the better haa haa. best wishes Rikki Originally posted by Bernie9: Thanks Frank. It is hard for me to compare to SGM180,for example, with all of the processing.
If you get it, please report.
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#309574 - 01/23/07 07:05 PM
Re: SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
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Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi, don't dash out & buy any soundfonts till you try some of the free ones. Also check out as many posts as you can, ie some like the following. If you want to use soundfonts you either require a soundfont compatible card or a software setup. ( my setup is in one of the posts below) OMB v10 now hosts dxi's & vsti's. One problem is the software I use for loading soundfonts ( Live Synth Pro) doesn't work correctly with omb's new dxi option ie it doesn't recognize program changes, so I've had to go back to one of my original soundfont setups. Omb10 works fine with my Hyercanvas dxi, Roland GS VC3 dxi, http://www.pgmusic.com/products_misc.htm it may also work with Coyote Forte DXI http://www.pgmusic.com/products_misc.htm there is a demo to try before you buy, but unfortunately my time ran out before OMB vers 10 was introduced, so I couldn't try it. The problem with the above dxi's is that psr styles use xg drum mapping wheras the above use GM/GS. Just means styles will need some degree of editing/tweaking which can be done in OMB. They'll need tweaking for soundfonts also. There's also a link to a program called Synthfont , soundfont midi player, one way of trying some free soundfonts in midifiles before going to the expense of buying either a soundcard or software required to use soundfonts with OMB. best wishes Rikki http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum43/HTML/000003.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum43/HTML/000026.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum43/HTML/000023.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum43/HTML/000064.html [QUOTE]Originally posted by santantoni: [B]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#309575 - 01/23/07 08:32 PM
Re: SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
Registered: 01/06/07
Posts: 65
Hi Rikki,many thanks for the info. I have already found some free Soundfonts,I am sure there's more around... I did not try Synthfont,but I tried SFZ,and it works really well. However,it loads in OMB and it sends/receives MIDI,but I hear no sounds,probably because there is nothing loaded in SFZ. I am still trying out the OMB demo so I need to figure out more,it may be that it works well with SFZ. OMB works great with Edirol Hypercanvas too,as you mentioned. I will still need to figure out all these differencies between XG and GM,I know the main ones,but as I am just starting on the 'arranger path' I still don't know a few things. ( been using Cubase for years and I am tired of programs like that). This is really a very cool forum though...I am sure I can learn a lot from it. Thanks for mentioning the fact that soundfonts need to be tweaked to be used correctly with the PSR styles...frankly I think that would be too time consuming,as I have more urge in making the music,so in that case I won't use Soundfont if I am using OMB or PSR styles Now that you mentioned this relevant fact about GM modules playing back with not the exact instruments for the PSR /Yamaha styles (therefore requiring tweaks) ...do you know of a good XG softsynth instead? Something like Edirol Hypercanvas ,quality-wise,but XG instead of GM. Thanks for your help.  [This message has been edited by santantoni (edited 01-23-2007).] [This message has been edited by santantoni (edited 01-23-2007).] [This message has been edited by santantoni (edited 01-23-2007).]
#309576 - 01/24/07 01:14 PM
Re: SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
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Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi, sfz when USED IN OMB as a vsti, is only capable of loading 1 instrument. I tried it in multi timbral mode ( ie assigning various instruments 1 for each channel)& ended up with a jumbled mess, the only way I THINK it can be used is using it for a single track ie vsti 1 channel 10 drums ( drum soundfont ) vsti 2 channel 11 bass etc ( bass soundfont) I don't think it works the same way as dxi's do in OMB. There is a SFZ+ dxi version for sale. Used to work in my old laptop, but doesn't work with my new dual core processer, notes keep hanging. Really dissapointing as it's quite a pricey piece of software. xg & gm/gs easist way is to get an instrument list. Yamaha (xg based) roland ( gm/gs based) manuals are downloadable from the net, they usually have an instrument table in them somewhere. It's your styles that need to be tweaked, not the soundfonts ( though that could be done too haa haa) Usually it's just a case of adusting volumes or changing an instrument, but on occasions you can have an incorrect type of drum playing ie you may have a handclap whereas you should be hearing brushes, this is where the difference between xg & gm drum mapping comes in. I actually own a psr 1500 & I even have to tweak some of my old Yamaha 9000 pro styles if I want to use them. Another xgsoundfont (freebie xg bank) has xg mapping, also for some bizzare reason provitamin gm soundfont the drum mapping for it more closely resembles xg drum mapping as far as I can tell. http://www.reasonbanks.com/pvitamin_map2.html Unfortunately I don't think Yamaha make an xg softsynth anymore. They used to have one , but the latency would have made it unuseable for omb in realtime arranger mode. The delay you got from pressing the key, to actually hearing the sound was far too great. best wishes Rikki [QUOTE]Originally posted by santantoni: [B]. Thanks for mentioning the fact that soundfonts need to be tweaked to be used correctly with the PSR [This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 01-24-2007).]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#309579 - 01/25/07 06:22 AM
Re: SONiVOX GM SoundBanks
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5426
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Here is the Yamaha SYXG 50 program. When you load the program on XP, you will get an error at the end, (The program was originally designed for Windows NT) but you can ignore this and when you restart the computer, you will have a Yamaha XG player available. (If you want to use it in other programs, don�t forget to select it first, otherwise the program will open the Microsoft player) As when loading any program, Create a Restore Point First. Bill http://download.yousendit.com/040DAD65171DFE5C
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).