Hi Bachus.
the piano sounds great for a giga sample, but still there are some better sounding piano vst's around. I like truepiano's a lot... the physical modelling adds a lot of body to the piano sound. Nevertheless this might be the best piano sound i ever heard comming from an arranger keyboar
Yeah, I think it goes without saying regardless of what sample library you use it will never best Modelling Technology. Wait until I get to the VSTi parts and start using PianoTeq.
I guess the point really is at this stage though look at what you can do. Giga Files are no problem for the keyboard, the same should be true for Modelling Technology when I get around to testing it.
Keep them comming these video's, It feels like finally we will be getting to know the true possibilities of the Mediastation..
Can't wayt till we get to hear some styles playing on Q-ranger or the Live styler...
Will do, and thanks for the feedback.
And those pipes sound just totally awesome
Yeah, very expressive and realistic. Have to say I love those sounds.
Hi Domenico
awesome videos James, compliment!
I just send you the new Live-Arranger V2, copy it on your preset folder and play! Now work really nice!
Is configured to play with the Giga Sounbank GM/GS.
Yep, send you back an email on that.
record a new video so you can make happy someone there
Will do.
Hi AFG Music.
james, here a free good sample piano from sonart audio site:
Thanks for that. I'll check it out.
Hi Tony.
Brilliant, can we see the full KB in your demos, those pipes are incredible.
Yeah, thought people might like to hear some Celtic based sounds as they usually sound terrible on closed keyboards. It's an easy way to show the superiority of Giga files.
where did you get those from
Time & Space in the UK. It's an AKAI S1000 format CD called World Winds by Dirk Campbell.
There�s a few people on SZ gone rather silent James, wonder why and dare I say it it�s half the price of the
Yeah the reaction has been very different to anything we have seen the in past. Normally we see a little confrontation, but now there's just silence.
Guess I'll take it as a good sign.
Keep the samples coming, no sleep tonight James and no pubing it!
Sleep ? What's that

You wouldn't know it to look at me in the video but I'm in bits with a bad cold there. It took a few takes just to do the introduction because I couldn't stop coughing.
[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 03-19-2010).]