Thanks james.
I suggest you to modify your tool, that not embedded the all gig files but create only the complete .lscp file.
remember that the OS code will loading automatically your all new sounds only IF the LSCP file is located inside the Presets folder.
The allowed LSCP file names are only:
Only this 3 script will be loaded automatically on Restart players and reboot system.
About your tool, dont need to embedded the all giga file, make the hyperlink to the path .gig file and over.
The BEST then is that you add one button feature, like we made on Jsampler for VST version.
After you have created your own bank, the Create bank folder will COPY the all .giga files used to the all around directory and put all on ONE master directory.
After copied all, the tools have to UPDATE the all path directory to the new one.
IF then you will use this all new giga sounds bank under the MS and GROOVE, remember that the tool have to written the correct linux directory path.
Must be always start from:
'/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/here your master sounbank directory / and inside the all files/subfolders.
EXAMPLE of your final path:
'/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/JamesBank1/001Acoustic\x20Grand\x20Piano/GrandPiano.gig' 0 0.9 PERSISTENT 'GrandPiano.gig [0]'
So..when one new soundbank is created, all must be inside, including one copy of the LSCP file to MOVE/COPY to the Preset folder.
In this way you can share ( or sell) your complete soundbank, the user have ONLY to copy the sounbank inside the GigaLibrary folder, copy the LSCP file on Preset folder and..Restart...

game over.
Get the idea?
When your tool is nice working, finally Nedim can use it and sell new Oriental giga sounbank without buy one Groove.

(for make the same for the Audya..have to buy one Audya...
