Sorry to say, but those specs look VERY Sonic Cell-ish. Drum kits are upped, but the '1000 plus Tones' is basic Sonic Cell specs, not the additional 'World' variants which double the ROM for the Prelude and GW-x and add several hundred new tones (amongst which are usually some of the standouts, IMO).
Nice to see an FC-7 pedal input (but what else can they do with a remote, anyway!)
Only one LWR tone and two UPR's is definitely NOT comparable to three UPR and two LWR (and an MBS) from Roland's TOTL.
Now, don't get me wrong, this looks like a GREAT way for non-Roland users to get an easy way to add the Roland sounds and styles to their arsenal (if their arranger's MIDI implementation is flexible enough), and, if the drum kits include all the Latin stuff in the GW-8L (which I thought were superb), this still might be something I could go for to add some arranger capabilities to my Kurzweil K2500 (mind you, hauling that thing around makes my G70 seem like a PSR!) if it isn't too expensive, but I still stand by what I initially thought...
A Prelude (bit stripped down in some areas, beefed up in others) in a box.
More later when I can download a full Parameter and Tone Chart and compare to what Roland already have out...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!