I prefer to call it 'realism', Donny.
Perhaps you like to live in a dream world where every new product release COULD be 'the one', could be the very thing you've wanted all your life, could solve ALL your problems, could fix every single fault in whatever you are currently using... But, let's face it, it hasn't happened YET, has it..? How much disappointment can you STAND?
If you build up every single product into things that defy realism, you set yourself up for disappointment. I prefer to take a realistic view, and am seldom disappointed. Who's the happier person NOW?
Roland have always leveraged existing technology into arranger products (rather than the other way around). Everything released of an arranger nature since the demise of the MOTL and TOTL branches of the tree have been derived from a Sonic Cell. Simply the description and specs of this thing lead one to the almost inevitable conclusion that this is simply a re-packaged GW-8/Prelude, maybe with a few bells and whistles to help remote operation (not that any of them won't be useful) and accordion specialized operation. That, IMO, is a perfectly reasonable thing to assume.
But building it up into the Next Coming of Roland is optimistic beyond belief. There's no way Roland are going to launch anything ground-breaking in an accordion accompaniment product. They never have before...
Truth is, I am not disappointed in the least. Seems like a decent product, and if it had the full soundset from the GW-8L, I'd get it in a flash. But a simple read of the specs dashes that idea (you DID read the specs, didn't you?). Not enough Tones by FAR...
I am sorry, but the only negativity I see is the refusal to accept what is by far the more likely product, and the building it up into something it can never be. Possibly, YOU are the disappointed one, being unable to accept its' simple roots. Me, I am perfectly happy with what it IS...
Edited by Diki (01/13/11 11:43 AM)
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!