#31262 - 02/09/04 11:26 PM
Is it time to look for another brand ?
Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 182
Loc: Ottawa,ONT,CANADA
Hello everybody, As you know,Ketron was quite popular due to its high responsiveness to customer needs and wants which was demonstrated in SD series. At the time, we believed that this characteristics was not "model specific" but the general company policy of taking care of their customers. I am sure many of us kept our X series hopping that we will get a slice of their attention. Unfortunately, it looks that this perceived affection, which gave Ketron a competitive advantage over other brands, was just a promotional trick focusing on new models. Ketron had focused on improvement of new models forgetting about their loyal customers and promises given to them. A year ago we were told that an improved OS for X1 is in testing phase and that we can expect to see results in few months. As you all know, we still didn't see anything. The worst thing is, Ketron guys don't even bother explaining what is going on. I think that we, as loyal customers, should at least be informed about current development which is taking so long. One of the last responses from Ketron people to the question of X1 upgrade was "...when I get confirmation on a date, I will let you all know." Maybe I am wrong, but this doesn't sound very professional, especially knowing that we have had similar responses for a year now. I would like to hear from other Ketron users what they think about this whole issue. Is it time to look for another favorite brand ?
Thanks, Dennis
#31270 - 02/12/04 05:00 AM
Re: Is it time to look for another brand ?
Junior Member
Registered: 11/03/02
Posts: 5
Loc: Germany
To be honest: You cant endlessly require new O.S. versions for your old keyboard. Just take a look at the instruments which were presented the same time like the X1! Is there a new O.S. for the Yamaha PSR8000? Or even the PSR9000? Or the GEM WK8? Or the Korg i30? Even the O.S. 4.0 for the SD1 is big exception in keyboard industry and this updateeven was free of charge! And, by the way: Are you shure, that you have discovered all the possibilities of your current keyboard?(Doesnt matter if it`s a Ketron or Yamaha or...) I even know a lot of MS50 owners and they are very satisfied with their instrument. No one expects KETRON to burn new chips with new features. It`s our destiny that we are playing a kind of instrument which is always in technological progress, so we have to take care, that we buy an instrument that satisfies us longer then only 1 or 2 years. But... always better then to play guitar... 
#31271 - 02/12/04 08:55 AM
Re: Is it time to look for another brand ?
Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 182
Loc: Ottawa,ONT,CANADA
Nedsolaud, ..."You cant endlessly require new O.S.".. How many OS versions were created for X1 series? As far as I know there was only one minor early upgrade which didn't solve issues that X1's has.Far from the "endless" my friend I think that Ketron mistake was to came up too early with upgrades when consumers didn't explore the keyboard properly. Or maybe it was just a strategy to avoid real heavy improvements and excuse themselves with one early upgrade.  I am not sure how much you are familiar with the keyboard industry but OS upgrades became a regular feature for all professional products. 9000pro, pa80, motif, triton are just few of the models that have continuous OS upgrades. So the SD series are far from "exception in keyboard industry" as you characterized. The reason that companies do the upgrades is because the time of releasing of a new product has shrink down and the products that are coming on the market are not fully tested. But at the same time, in return for customer's loyalty, companies promise to upgrade the products regularly.As Calypso mentioned earlier, one of the key characteristics of X series was the NON-OBSOLESCENCE. It doesn't matter if i30 or GEM does it, because they didn't promise non-obsolescence when introducing their keyboards.Every company has it own strategy. Ketron should not promise something if it didn't plan to realize it. Finally, the discovery of keyboard capabilities doesn't have anything with current deficiencies. Usually the users who explore keyboards the most, are the ones to discover the problems. Cheers, 007
#31274 - 02/13/04 09:45 AM
Re: Is it time to look for another brand ?
Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 182
Loc: Ottawa,ONT,CANADA
nedsolaud, Now you sound like a Ketron dealer.  Of course it is not profitable for them to make one keyboard and continue to upgrade it forever. But, try to think from the consumer’s perspective and remember what was promised when X1 was introduced. Again, I don't care what happened with you GM WK4, that is another brand with different reputation and so on. That why I didn't go for GM. Ketron was recognized as a small but customer oriented company's which differentiated Ketron from big guys like Korg and Yamaha. That was one reason why I decided to go for Ketron. But now it looks that the advantage was "fake". It is true that there is no single instrument with a perfect OS but I never had hung-ups with my Triton or 9000pro. As I mentioned before, users confirmed X freezing on them when using the flash card or when switching from sounds with aftertouch. This is far from "the reliable". I am not looking for a perfect OS but for one which will allow me to use all features properly and not hung-up on me in the middle of a gig. Another thing ... The industry is changing and the competition is growing. Now the small things, like quality of customer service, expansion capabilities, upgrade capabilities are winning the market. Keyboards are becoming similar in sounds quality and features so the companies are going and extra step to secure the market. That includes things that maybe don't make sense from profitability point of view, like OS upgrades. I am sure that was just a dream when your old Beetle was released.Times have changes  Btw, auto industry is changing much slower than computer industry ... The bottom line is X series attracted many customers with the non-obsolesce promise. We all know we can not expect endless upgrades but we deserve to have a stable OS in order to enjoy all features of X series. Now, if X1 was one of the cheap Casio keyboards, I would not expect much, but Ketron is known as one of the most expensive arrangers on the market. I guess a high price should be followed by high quality otherwise who would buy it ?  D.
#31275 - 02/15/04 11:12 AM
Re: Is it time to look for another brand ?
Registered: 01/25/03
Posts: 221
#31276 - 02/15/04 12:04 PM
Re: Is it time to look for another brand ?
Registered: 12/03/99
Posts: 732
Loc: Phoenix, AZ USA
I am not a Ketron user, but still want to chime in on this discussion.
I did see many promotional materials about X-1, which were all very explicit in heralding non-obsolescencse. They were touting it as the feature which would set the X1 apart from the competition. Whatever experience we have had with other brands does not apply to Ketron if thet is how they positioned themselves.
Even if they had not advertize their instrument this way, they are still obligated to provide critical fixes to the OS (and granted, they have done some of that). But as long as there are other outstanding stability problems, Ketron MUST address those (even if it is past the warranty period of the instrument). I believe this is the consumer law in most states in the US.
As far as changes that would be considered straight enhancements: a number of other companies had provided those to the users for free, without any apparent necessity (e.g. Korg PA80 Ver 3, and Ketron's own SD1 Ver 4). It is not unfair for the other Ketron users, sold on the concept of non-obsolescense, to expect similar treatment. However, I am sure that even if Ketron wanted to charge each user a reasonable fee (I'd pay up to $100, or maybe even more, depending on what was in the upgrade), this would still be preferrable to getting rid of the instrument one is used to.
Just my $.02.
REgards, Alex
Regards, Alex