Too much blue-skying going on, still.
How many of you are disappointed in only 128 voices? Out of you, how many currently HAVE a 128 note arranger? And out of THAT minority, how many of you have EVER heard any dropping out during play?
128 voices is PLENTY. For starters, there's no arranger with MORE unless you count the MS, which CAN have more, but also, depending on what VSTi's you use, can also have a LOT less... If you like Yamaha's, then you like 128 voices. Period.
8 different insert effects doesn't mean 8 effects on ONE sound (although it could if you were insane!) but it means 8 different effects divided up between all the Parts. THAT'S pretty significant, IMO
And Jeez... Black or not as a 'feature'? If it sounded great, who wouldn't buy it even if it were only available in plaid?

Or polka-dots (for the schlager market!)?
There are some that are dancing in the streets about the Korg's new features, but most still scratching their heads. Well, let me inform you... The Chord Sequencer is the most significant addition to the arranger feature set since, well, since Roland dropped it, to be honest! Only those that have never learned it would miss the significance. It's a whole extra hand, that does what YOU want to do, when YOU want to do it. Tired of having to tie up your LH inputting the same chords over and over for a repeated section? Maybe like to play a solo using BOTH hands (piano, anyone?), or like to use a bend lever for an expressive solo, or like to play another instrument (sax, flute, even another keyboard) for a section of a song?
Chord sequencer.
But the COLOR...? Do any of you guys actually PLAY?!
Most of us wouldn't have been all THAT impressed with a T4 if we had heard it in beta, before the sounds and styles were dialed in. This was a sneak peek at an unfinished product, but the spec sheet alone promises significant improvement in Korg's old system (auto-fill finally! Yay! and five fills instead of three... Yay!).
Once again, the old fanboy rantings appear... You criticize the Korg for having a smaller RAM section from the T4, but don't give the T4 a hard time for having an entirely closed, proprietary sample format that precludes actually USING that RAM for anything other than the measly few sample sets they sell themselves. What's the point of a GB or 2 of RAM, when Yamaha don't sell enough sounds to even fill it a quarter full?
Let's all just take a deep breath, get off our fanboy horses, and treat this as a sneak peek at a future product, and while we wait for the fully realized PA3 to appear, start to take notice of the features on our OWN favorite arranger that are less than stellar themselves. You know, so we don't get this arrogant attitude repeated when Musikmesse comes around.
Boy, I've missed this place! I don't get around children too much in my regular life....