No Chord Sequencer!

Odd, especially because Roland came up with it first.
I find it odd just how much interest is starting to be shown in the chord sequencer after being almost the lone voice for it's re-implementation for so long.
I haven't seen the panel layout for the PA3 yet, but I hope they put the controls for it front and center, rather than tucked away far from the keys like Roland used to do. Maybe if it's there, easy to get to, more people will use it and see how radically it changes the whole arranger paradigm.
I look forward to the day when this feature is as common as One Touch, or PianoStyle mode, or On Bass, which I think Roland were one of the first to bring out.
Fran, are you going to be running the BK-7m with an FC-7? The only thing about running it from an A-33 is that the Roland master keyboard has few assignable buttons (in fact, none at all, if I remember correctly), so arranger operation (rather than SMF and mp3 playback) is going to be a lot tougher to pull off without having to move your hands a lot further than normal to get to the operation buttons on the module. Perhaps something along the lines of a (and at this point, goes to the internet looking for good 76 controllers and finds very little!), OK carry on...!
The thing about this thing, to be honest, for me it seems the perfect product to add to a good WS (MotifXF, Kurzweil, even the Mediastation) and FINALLY have the best of both worlds. Using it all by itself, it's only marginally different to a Prelude or GW-8L, although those ARE some useful additions, but in combination with a WS, especially if the style section has flexible enough MIDI operation to route certain Parts away from built in sounds and off to the WS (which modules often are) this could be a real game-changer.
I look forward to getting the manual...