Well, for those players and singers that like to play a different set of 60-70 songs each gig, having a resource like Unrealbook and the iPad makes it do-able.
I for one cannot remember chords and lyrics to over 1000 songs (my current PA2 Songbook resource)
If you are saying you CAN do this (remember the chords and lyrics to 1000 songs and NOT just 2 and 3 chord tunes either), well then, I have to admit I find that difficult to believe....
Maybe you can, but you would be the first I have ever come across in over 35 years.
Thats why I said TOSH to your post. Also a player CAN be very creative and spontaneous with a chart. Chart reading does not inhibit "free-style" playing!!!
Dennis I agree with you about 2 or 3 chord changes and very simple chords to boot....This is what makes tunes boring..not the instrumentation...
Personally I like to maintain the same band during the performances..I want the same piano player, same bass player, same drum kit...same guitar player or organ player....
Big Band songs that you want as a big band..then you do have to mix the instrument groups..
I say by all means use charts if it is going to help you play more complex and interesting chords...
Strong vocalist can usually get by 2, 5 ing their way thru a tune...but I listen and appreciate the player that creates interest with chord changes...they tell a story as much as the lyrics do...