I apologize to anyone that wasn't putting Korg down (or any other maker)...
But try this on for size. Let's say you already know little Annie is the most popular girl in school. It's her birthday... You go 'Wow! Look at all the presents she got!'
By itself, innocuous enough. But then, you point out another girl, that you KNOW isn't as popular. And you go 'It's Suzie's birthday tomorrow... I wonder if she'll get as many presents?'
That's a subtle put-down. Even if you didn't MEAN it to be. But you did know that, in the past, she didn't match Annie's present count, so, it's not like you are REALLY asking the question. You are just pointing out the inevitable difference.
Maybe, it's that sometimes we don't even realize ourselves doing this kind of thing?
Me, on the other hand... I'm the Devil! It's ALWAYS deliberate when I do it..!