Hey all you guys out there in arranger land, thank you very much for all of your well wishes.....
all of US OLD FARTS have to stick together
Hey, Happy Birthday fellow old fart...I'll be 62 this March coming...as Gary Diamond always says, "Gettin old ain't for sissies!"
And I say, "Gettin' old is still better than the alternative."
I was at the hospital a year or so ago, to get some dressings changed after surgery and I noticed the nurse’s name tag which had her first name, and I suddenly I remembered that a tall, beautiful, red-haired girl,
with the same name, had been in my High School class some many years ago.
Could she be the same girl I had the hots for way back then?
However, I then thought, this lady with hair obviously of a shade too red to be natural, and with such a deeply lined face, was way too old to have been my classmate, or could she??
I asked her if she had gone to St. Michael’s High School in Glace Bay.
”Yes. Yes, I did.” She said, looking at me with a bit more interest.
"When did you graduate?” I asked.
She answered, “In 1967, Why do you ask?”
"You were in my class!” I said, gettin’ kind of excited..
She looked at me a little more closely.
And then, that miserable, near-sighted, ugly, wrinkled old bat, asked, “What did you teach?”