Look, guys.... it's simple (really!)
Compare what has 'escaped' into the wild so far from the PA3X to the 'official' PA2X demos.
No comparison (IMO). Now, honestly guys... Does even ONE of you think that Korg will release an arranger that sounds terrible compared to their LAST arranger? REALLY..?

But, as I said (and that T4 clip showed!), ANY arranger can be made to sound awful by a combination of unfamiliarity and incompetence. Plenty of that to go around in the keyboard industry, if you ask me! Yamaha seem to be the only ones that 'get' it. Pretty much ALL the arranger manufacturers MAKE great arrangers. But only Yamaha seem to realize that one incompetent demonstrator can ruin their reputation, or one over-eager sales representative unwilling to insist that pre-release models don't get videoed by amateurs until the official demos are out.
Did you see any pre-release T4 videos by amateur players playing unfinished product? No, you didn't... Yamaha keep a tight rein on their product until it is finalized.
Remember, ALL of Korg's Objects reside in RAM, so what is burned to a ROM in a Yamaha can remain fluid in a Korg, even past the release, if improvements can be made... no such luck with a Yamaha - it makes them more cautious about NOT releasing it until it is ready to go. The combination of this, and amateur videos of unofficial pre-release hands-on opportunities makes fort a VERY poor comparison, despite the product being, obviously, at LEAST as good as a PA2X.
So, guys, cool your jets... If you want to listen to a GOOD PA3X demo, go listen to the PA2X official demos. Pretty much everything in a PA2X will be in the PA3X. Plus a lot more (where is the Chord Sequencer fever we had for a week or so?!). Hate the PA2X? You are going to hate the PA3X, no matter WHAT it adds (those that hate the T3 didn't magically start loving the T4). But if you like those PA2X demos, you are going to LOVE the PA3X.
When it FINALLY gets the same love and attention the PA2X got....