Put your T4 in the hands of someone that knows nothing about playing arrangers. Let HIM select the styles and the sounds (don't let him use YOUR Registrations!). Record him playing, warts and all. Post the video up here...
Then let us tear it to shreds..!
What is with the ADHD attitude here these days? Until Korg put up OFFICIAL demos, on a proper Website dedicated to the PA3X, just get resigned to the fact that you haven't HEARD the PA3X yet...
I am pretty sure that, if you went out on the web, and tried to find the WORST T4 demos you possibly could find, as long as you ignored the official Yamaha demos and demos of professional Yamaha demonstrators (of which there are none by Korg yet), it would be possible to come to exactly the same conclusion about Yamaha. They suck! Of course, that isn't the case...
How about waiting until you hear a PA3X demonstrated by a top Korg demonstrator or top professional to render your judgment? As they always say - Judge not less YE be judged! By the reckoning of this forum, I can easily prove that every single arranger out there sucks (including whatever YOU have)... Apparently, all it takes is a couple of badly played demos. Who hasn't heard a few of THOSE?!

Just chill, and wait for the OFFICIAL release and demos, OK guys?