Hello Nigel, (or anyone with a key to 'Moderate' !).
Sadly the 'Technics Links' Page on this site is very much out of date, and needs amending, as I am sure many people must waste an inordinate amount of time trying to access non-existent pages.
If it would help - here are the 18 links out of the 40, that are 'Faulty' ......
Thanks Tony for reporting those to me. That's all it takes for me to look into it and make updates. Though it would have made more sense to email or personal message me rather than post it here. But there are a few things you need to take into account. Links on the internet change all the time. There are 1000s of links here at Synth Zone to keep track of. Some of these have just relatively recently changed and I will find the new ones now you have reported them if I can.
"people waste an inordinate amount of time" ... well I doubt that because most are only looking at the few they are interested in, not clicking through them all like you did even though you weren't really interested in most of those models and were just interested in finding what links were active. Though I do appreciate that.
As for sites not being updated for many years .... that is NOT at all an issue. I don't expect sites for keyboards that are 5 - 30 years old to ever be updated, but the information they do have is still relevant to someone that suddenly acquires one of those old keyboards ... they really don't care that the information wasn't added recently. Even if those sites have some bad links as long as they still have some relevant content I will keep the link on the page. And they will still be there as long as they are active. Even when they disappear if I can find a freeze dried archive on the Wayback machine then I will replace the link with that. And of course those pages will never be updated. And until I am very sure the site or it's archive cannot be recovered I will leave the link in place even when it seems to not be working. I guess you would have to have tried to maintain a links list for more than a decade to understand this. I have been doing this for 17 years now and having a bad link for a year or more isn't a big deal in the long run if it can be restored. And a link can be faulty one day then good again a month later so it always pays to be cautious about permanently removing a link because it can't be found. But you were right there were some bad ones there.
Technics USA Leads only to current Panasonic Items
There are still Technics turntables and mixers on that page so that link is still fine. And the links to manual downloads accompanying that link are still valid for Technics keyboards.
Panasonic UK 'Page Not Found'
You are correct, they changed the support URL. But clicking on the "Support" tab on that page did take you to the correct page that allowed keyboard manual downloads. I have fixed that now so it goes directly there.
Technics Reviews 'Page Not Found'
Yep Harmony Central are just changing over URLs and I will replace it with the new URL when they have Technics working again. None of their Arranger reviews are currently available but I expect that to change. I will leave this until they resolve it ... hopefully.
Technics Copy Program 'Page Not Found'
KN6000 - Easy Style Copy 'Page Not Found'
Replaced with my own copy of the file here at Synth Zone.
KN7000/6000/3000 Larry Grossmeyer 'Page Not Found'
Replaced with the web.archive.org archive.
WSA1-The Unofficial WSA1 Pages Last Updated 1999
It doesn't matter people just getting an old WSA1 keyboard for the first time still want that info.
KN3000 Midi Music Club Not updated since 2000
It doesn't matter people just getting an old KN3000 keyboard for the first time still want info and files that IS there. NOTE: The URL is from web.archive.org which means this site doesn't exist and is a web archive. While some files are not available some are. Don't EVER expect sites at web.archive.org to ever be updated .... they don't exist anymore. Note the description does tell you "An archive of a website" so it should be no surprise. That's why there are descriptions.
KN3000/5000-Joe and Shirley Not Updated since 2001
Another web.archive.org site.
KN7000-KESO Not updated since 2006 - Many links not working.
Until there is no valid content here the link will remain. If you ignore all websites with many links not working you will be missing out on much online content.
Can these please be removed ??, or those that are still online, a note added that they have not been updated since .... ??
I will remove any that have no content and have disappeared and are not archived at web.archive.org
Thanks so much for reporting those links that were bad.