Whoa! Wait a cotton pickin' minute here. Are you guys telling me that the PA3X/PRO's release at NAMM (the LARGEST musical instrument trade show in the WORLD) was
not the "official" release of the PA3X/PRO?? Although, I can see the logic of releasing it at NAMM to try and stem T4 sales until the PA3X/PRO actually hits store shelves although Korg's lack of 'professionally' produced demos may actually be causing more harm than benefit by using such a strategy, if indeed, that is Korg's reasoning for "pre-releasing" it at NAMM.
Simply put, poorly produced demos may have actually caused T4 sales to "spike" after people started hearing these lackadaisical PA3X/PRO demos where many of them sound like rubbish in my opinion. How can that be a good thing for Korg?? Yamaha must be laughing themselves silly as they behold Korg's whimsical handling of their next Flagship arranger. Laughing themselves silly "all the way to the bank" no doubt too.
Korg messed up big time, in my opinion, and only time will tell if they can actually redeem themselves from this self-inflicted debacle when Musikmesse arrives. On the other hand, when Musikmesse rolls around and Korg can't produce anything better than what's already been released so far Korg will ultimately take an enormous hit from their "lack of results" and will no doubt continue to lose market share to Yammie and others if you ask me. Arranger keyboardist's eyes will be glued on the Korg Musikmesse PA3X/PRO demo booth and depending on the outcome T4 and Audya sales could either skyrocket or come to a grinding halt. We'll have to wait a few more days to see if a "train wreck" actually occurs or not though. Korg could be sweating profusely though if they realize Musikmesse won't change people's opinion about Korg's latest flagship. If you see a close up of the PA3X/PRO demonstrator and you observe copious amounts of sweat dripping down his face you might want to go ahead and place an order for a T4 or Audya perhaps then huh.
Time will tell as they say. Hopefully Korg can redeem themselves with several professionally produced demos uploaded to their website (if and when they do that, that is) and/or during the PA3X/PRO demonstration at the Korg sound booth at Musikmesse. Like I said, we'll have to wait and see.
All the best,