Will bear some closer scrutiny when the manual is released..Also some really cool new styles in there too. People, you
do need to try and see past the not so stellar sound quality

Just imagine how awesome this is going to sound via a PA. It is getting interesting again

Dennis, it sounds like you're getting interested in this instrument....really interested.
Would you say it is a worthwhile buy for someone who already has a PA2XPro?
How about a PA1XPro?
Yes, it does sound pretty good (I like the styles, too), but somehow, I can't see a PA2XPro owner making the move on it.
With me, I bought the Tyros4, because I believe (in my opinion) that it is substantially better than the Tyros3, having been lucky enough to have the latter for over a year on my sample account. Also, I was buying from scratch; I did not presently own an instrument.
If I had owned a T3, the decision would have been much harder, although, I suspect I'd still sell it and get the Tyros4.
I know you will only know your direction clearly when you have played and spent some time on the PA3XPro, but, are you considering getting one more strongly than say, a month ago?
Why not get a Kronos and use it with your PA2XPro?
I can't see the Roland BK-7M being good enough to replace the arranger features in your present instrument...sure, it would be nice hooked up to a Kronos, but I can't see the style engine being even close to what you have now.
Interesting times for sure.