The SD2 when i buy works well with the SD1 , if i transpose for example +1 in SD1 the SD2 plays TRANSPOSE +1.
Everything works well.
The problem that happens in first time was after turn on the SD2 , the FIRST TIME , ando only the first time , i change the transpose in SD1 , the SD2 makes a strong BZZZZ noise , but change the transpose to the same as in the SD1.
The problem was if i had the SD2 connect to the amplifier in a Show and i forget to mute the sd2 Channel in the mixer , when i change the transpose the first time.
Las week my SD2 went to the KETRON dealer in Portugal to Upgrade the software.
But the new software no more make that noise , but now the Transpose is not ok.
When i have no transtose in SD1 , everthing is ok in SD2 , but if i change the transpose to +1 , -1 , and so on , the SD2 changes but for example SD1 Traspose +1 = SD2 Transpose +2 , for example SD1 transpose -1 = SD2 transpose -2.
And so on...
And before the upgrade this not happens.
Only the horrible noise the first time we change the transpose.
Sorry for my bad english.
I Hope someone can help me.
Because Ketron Dealer here dont know what to do and know i can not play with the SD2 connect to my SD1.
KETRON_AJ help please.......
Best regards.