I decided to start a post so nobody misses this great new info.

I just recently tested the new software OpenText by Michael Bedesem. It allows you to associate pdf's on my laptop with Reg Mem buttons on the Tyros 2. Wow! This looks like a very worthwhile thing for me to change all my songs over to this format as I've never used Reg Mem buttons to save songs, only MFD and user styles or on the fly.

This combination if all goes according to what I believe can be done here will keep me (for one extra big reason) to continue with Yamaha keyboards and use OpenText on a laptop.

I am using a laptop laying on it's side on a good music stand that shows the music a bit bigger than the standard 8.5 x 11 pages. I use Footime foot control to turn the pages forward or backward and I use Pivot Pro which causes the data on my laptop screen to adjust to any angle I want. In my case 90 degrees.

So, I have something that can't be done with any other keyboard brand as far as I know, and I'm pleased as punch.

It will be nice when someone comes out with an ipad type of tablet that is larger screen wise and has a couple usb ports as right now apparently only laptops that are a few years old can have the monitor fold flat 180 degrees. Unless there's some new ones out there that I'm not aware of. And I'm talking about something that doesn't cost $1000


Edited by Scott Langholff (04/19/11 04:40 AM)