Hey Rikki
First of all OS version is not so important,if it's more than 4.0.Then you have to check your EPROM version like this:
To test your EPROM version:-
* Press DISK.
* Press UTILITIES (F8).
* Press DISK CONTROL (F8).
If release is less than 5.0 you will need new ERPOM chip.So a hardware intervention.
If is more than 5.0 ,everything ok,no more harware changing,then you just order EXP and install in SD1.It's very easy to copy all the files, but will need PC cable cause there are a lot of files and you can't use floppy to copy them.
Personal I have Eprom v5.03.
[This message has been edited by viocaia (edited 09-15-2006).]