I would need the pitch correction, my singing is so far out, no pitch correction would manage with that. Having said that no doubt someone will come blazing in saying “Oh yes it will, developed back in the last war, Vera Lyne used valve driven pitch correction system when she sang THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER”. No Larry I will leave it to Paula, she did a good job on it, it would go downhill if I got involved, BTW Larry is that paint dry yet. Someone ask me to go to watch a soccer (football)match MANCHESTER UNITED game last week, I said I would rather watch paint dry!!!
Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey