no wholly & soley for yamaha. The only part I use for korg is change .sty extension to .mid extension. This works for majority of my yammie styles.
I have hassles with 3/4 time signatures & "serialized styles" These I load into One Man Band & resave.
I do convert my yammie styles to Korg using XG Works , but it involves a lot more than the above instructions. I think I'd have to write a book ( haa haa) because earlier yammie styles are far easier to convert than new ones.
Actually, I have XG Works running on my Win7 laptop.
You're correct, it won't load. Found a way around it . Definately trial & error, because I don't know a great deal about the workings of computers but I was determined to get it up & running.
I actually have a working copy of XGworks in my old XP Netbook.
I simply copied the "Yamaha" program folder from the netbook "program files", into my win 7 laptop "program files(86)"folder.
Opened the Yamaha folder, opened xg works folder, located the XG Works exe icon, Right Clicked & sent it to the Desktop, so I could run the program from there.
Apparently it doesn't need to be installed, maybe because it's such an old program. My version is 3.07.33
Works almost perfectly. Good enoughfor what I need it for. I can do 99% of my editing. Only thing I can't bring up is Notation Window. I get weird symbols. I can live without thatas I have notation on Real Band & Power Tracks Pro.
Only reason I still use XG Works is, it's so simple for cutting sections & moving bars & copying bars etc. & the Master Track contains all the markers & tempo changes etc.
Don't use it for recording just editing.
You could use probably any pc sequencer as long as it has "Markers" I just find XGworks the easiest. If you have any problems doing what I did, just email me.
Wow Rikki, thanks for this awesome info. It must have been a lot of trial and error, and we appreciate your hard work.
Is this for the Korg or Yamaha, or both?
The only problem is the old XG Works program which (a) is no longer available and (b) is not compatible with WIN7. Is anyone aware of another program that can achieve what Rikki just described?
Rikki should charge for all these valuable tips and instructions.
Good Stuff