Until recently...Korg PA2XPRO, Lower CME UF-70 MIDI keyboad, Roland PK-5 pedals, all MIDI together.
Before that Yamaha T2.
Before that....Live-Styler, with (at different times) Kurxweil K2600X controller, Yamaha T2...all with SL0 keyboard less MIDI controls.
That was before Live-Styler supported the SD-2 and the playing of those styles.
It worked very well, but, I could not find a SUPER sound module to play the Yamaha styles the way I wanted....RH sounds were fine...functions were fine. Also no mega-voices...
Now I guess Live-Styler has full SD-2 and Ketron style support and for Yamaha styles there is a Mega-voice sound set. DO NOT know how goos all that is, as I have a old version, no SD-2 or Mega sound set for the LS.
I liked all the flexibility as to the MIDI controllers, etc.
Recently sold the K2600X, and the PA2XPRO....still have the CME UF-70 MIDI controler and pedals.
May get a T4, may get a PA3XPRO, may try software arranger again.
One thing I won't do is spend $500 on a SW arranger without trying it first.
Lee S.