I oredered mine tonight. Frank and I did the email dance and hopefully he'll be sending the MicroA my way in the morning. Thanks Frank for the great deal.
Hi Cass et al. I just purchased a Korg MicroArranger from our buddy Frank too, and it's already on it's way to me here in California.
Cass, I look forward to comparing notes with you and other Korg MicroArranger owners once we receive our units.

I purchased my Tyros 4 from Frank @
AudioWorks last year. Not only are Frank's prices terrific, but his friendly & attentive service is unsurpassed too. More importantly Frank's active participation & friendhsip here for so many years even BEFORE he became an arranger keyboard dealer show how dedicated and loyal he is to fellow synthzone members.
Initially, I primarily plan to utilize the MicroArranger for personal on the go entertainment fun and to take along on weekend getaways & for smaller casual parties. At a mere 9 lbs (including speakers) there'll be no excuse to leave home without it. I'll post a review soon after it arrives next week.