Thanks, Tassie:
I also use XP on my machines but the new interface of Win 7 on my wife's laptop was really unfamiliar. My daughter has resolved all my issues, thank goodness, so I can get back to songwriting activities.
Tasmania must be an interesting place to live. Out of curiosity, are there "native" people on that Island also?
Naturally, the Tasmanian Devil is very well known here in the US thanks to Bugs Bunny and all those cartoons.
Best regards,
Dave Rice Just hope I could help a little, but it's no substitute for hands on fixes.
Moved here from Sydney, New South Wales in 1993 and improved my lifestyle, as it's a beautiful place( slower pace). The timbers available here are some of the prettiest too, like Huon Pine, Black Hearted Sassafras and Tasmanian Blackwood).
Yes, they are here and many intermarried decendants too. Respect to their culture and land, as well as to "sacred sites' are high in the standards here ( better than some places). They were almost wiped out by the English settler's but some were able to survive and stay.
The Tassie Devil is still struggleing with the tumor desease, but hopefully it will be cured( they are tenacious creatures indeed).