#33505 - 04/16/08 10:07 AM
Senior Member
Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4410
Loc: Norway
Hi. Today I could see at a local dealers website that Ketron Audya was put on the webshop for order and expected delivery around Sept/Oct 2008. So the (big?) surprise,...., nah not really, but it will be a real high cost arranger. Norwegian Kroner: 55000,- (SD1+, Tyros2 and the new Korg are priced between N.Kr. 25000,- - 30.000,- these days) That's approximately 10400 $ , or 7150 € , or 4960£ !! Guess that will keep tha sales low if the difference to the other top of the line arrange keyboards will be that much, or? Happy Playing  GJ A link to the shop, in Norwegian, but anyway.... http://www.gjovikmusikk.no/shop/cat/023863.aspx [This message has been edited by Gunnar Jonny (edited 04-16-2008).]
Cheers 🥂 GJ _______________________________________________ "Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
#33506 - 04/16/08 10:25 AM
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Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 2867
Loc: Tampa, FL
Thanks GJ, Pricing it at that level is like killing it before it's even released. correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there will be many people on this forum that will purchase a $10,000.00 arranger keyboard that will not guarantee them $20,000 in additional Gigs. Especially when you factor in that the base styles using those real voices will be limited in number (IMHO) and you will need to purchase either more voices or styles and or both. If they price it along with the Pa2xpro and the T2/T3 then they would give Korg and Yamaha stiff competition, but at this price point they put themselves right out of the market. Very puzzling, indeed. ------------------ Al Giordano http://www.arrangerworld.comKorg Pa2xpro, Roland VK8-M, DW Collectors Series Drums, Roland TD-12 Vdrums, Roland SPD-S.
Pa4x - LD Systems Maui 28 - Mackie Thumps
#33508 - 04/22/08 11:58 AM
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5426
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Well! UK SZ members are now finding out what the Audya can really do in comparison with the rest. (Korg, Roland, Yamaha, Wersi, Bohm, Orla, Hammond etc) It will be interesting to hear their observations when they get back. (The Keyboard Festival ends next Monday 28th)
[This message has been edited by abacus (edited 04-22-2008).]
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#33511 - 05/09/08 10:54 AM
Senior Member
Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4410
Loc: Norway
Well, looking to how quiet things are regarding the new Audya, who knows what to come? There most be something Ketron have difficulties to solve since it's been that long time between the hype started and when it's really going to reach the dealers..... Also there is very little "in deepth" info about it, even at the Frankfurth show, where it's the same things played and said as done earlier. If Yamaha and Roland introduce new top arranger keyboard models at the same time Ketron does, my guess is that more people than me will take the time needed to compare and explore before take action to buy Audya, because it will be a "wider market" to choose from. Anyway, the furure are exciting, and I'm sure Audya will be a real huge step forward in technology compared to SD! I only hope they don't leave out the things who really works well on SD1, and that the SD styles will load and play well on the new "flagship". Happy Playing  GJ
Cheers 🥂 GJ _______________________________________________ "Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)