I won't be going to Halifax/Bedford until the week of the 15th-21st this month...I'll check in with them before I leave, to see if they have one in stock.
I have already played the micro Workstation which has an identical keyboard to the microArranger...it is a bit difficult playing chords in both hands, as the intervals feel so different, and if you are playing this along with another keyboard with normal sized keys, it can be a bit weird.
Tony Hughes posted this video link on another thread with a Korg spokesman playing the microArranger...you can see he's not entirely joyful about the keyboard and his hand position looks a bit scrunched up..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-xTX4PKwhc&feature=endscreen&NR=1 If it is a user's sole keyboard, they will get used to it without too much trouble I suppose, but I wouldn't want to play a 2-3 hour gig with it...plus the lightness in weight may even be disadvantageous as it would have to be fastened pretty securely to a stand to avoid any movement during any kind of vigorous play.
It's not like I'm trying to bash Korg...on the contrary...I think they have really good arrangers, but I also would like to see that anyone considering this instrument for even casual pro usage, would know both sides of the argument.
As it is, it's being touted as a miracle do it all lightweight, and it would probably work well for those who seem excited about it, but the majority of these people intending it for pro use,
aren't going to be playing it for the whole gig...they will be using SMF and other backgrounds along with the microArranger.
So, I just want to make sure it isn't misrepresented in any way. I would do the same if Yamaha made one...in fact, I used to demo their PSS line of arrangers, which used mini-keys (a few of the higher end had five octave keyboards), and my criticisms were of the same nature as with the Korg.
I hope I get to play one, and I also hope to get my hands on a Korg PA3X (or PA3XPro)...if there are any of the latter to try, I will PM you here right away, from my hotel, as maybe Long & McQuade could ship it to their store in your area so you could try it.