#33625 - 06/10/08 10:13 AM
Re: Ketron SD2 & Rotor Settings
Registered: 05/16/08
Posts: 307
Loc: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
I understand that some of those complaints are likely due to people who got the first stuff off the line. Typical problem these days, things get sorted by the next production run.
Anyway, the unit I had here at the studio was in working condition on every note. Every function worked as advertised, also.
But of course I don't expect the same kind of action and all from a keyboard with a pricepoint so much lower than the one you are currently playing, either. As an engineer, I consider all designs of man to be a series of tradeoffs and we must weigh the tradeoffs carefully whenever specifying any piece of equipment for any possible task consideration. In order to get all those assignable CC knobs, the tradeoff there was the keybed. However, when used in conjunction with my 88 key piano that does NOT have all of those controller functions, I got the best of both worlds onstage, as is the fellow who talked me out of that very affordable Keystation.
My aging back can tell you that carrying two `40lb keyboards stacked on a rack still beats the Roll-R-Kari, B3, Leslie, Wurly piano, Rhodes suitcase piano, Hohner Clavinet and the Yamaha 88 key portagrand!
"Keep listening. Never become so self-important that you can't listen to other players. Live cleanly....Do right....You can improve as a player by improving as a person. It's a duty we owe to ourselves." --John Coltrane
"You don't know what you like, you like what you know. In order to know what you like, you have to know everything." --Branford Marsalis
#33627 - 06/11/08 08:25 AM
Re: Ketron SD2 & Rotor Settings
Registered: 05/16/08
Posts: 307
Loc: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Received a reply via email today, this message got forwarded by Ted at Ketron USA to Italy and back through him to get to me: We will have to be able to send some SYSEX commands as well. This may impact the brand and model of keyboard controller, I think. Will have to investigate further, of course.
1) Page 42 of the manual states that CONTROL 1EH (CC30) should control the Rotor for the tonewheel organ.
..You are in right!!!
2) Myself and at least three others who own SD2 units have not been able to get the Rotor to work at all.
..In order to select ROTOR ( or Leslie ) you have to use firstly this EXCLUSIVE strings
F0H 26H 7BH 0BH 00H Chan Type F7H
Chan: 00H - 1FH Type: 0 = no effects 3 = Chorus
1 = Leslie 4 = Delay
3) 2 = Distorsor
on CHAN you have to select which track you would use than on TYPE select 1 (Leslie )
Dont forget
.Leslie or Rotor work instead of Chorus ( or Distortion or Delay as showed on page 44 )
3) We can get the tonewheel organ drawbars to work just fine, also some of the other effects, using conversions of hexadecimal to the proper CC numbers, as one would expect.
At the bottom of Owner manual theres an example of it :
Controller 0 Value 67 Bank MSB Program Change 0
Drawbar Controller: 20 = 16 Value: 0-127 24 = 2 2/3 Value: 0-127 28 = percussion 4 Value: 0-127
21 = 8 Value: 0-127 25 = 2 Value: 0-127 29 = percussion 2 2/3 Value: 0-127
22 = 5 1/3 Value: 0-127 26 = 1 3/5 Value: 0-127
23 = 4 Value: 0-127 27 = 1 Value: 0-127
I.E ( in order to send a drawbars data 16- 8- 4)
Controller 0 value 67 Controller 20 value 127 (16) Controller 23 value 127 (4)
Program change 0 Controller 21 value 127 (8)
...no needs an hexadecimal value ..but simple Controllers
Is there perhaps a misprint in the manual or is there something we are missing that we need to do?
We need the Rotor function.
In detail ..to obtain Rotor you have to switch before between Chorus ( or else ) and than will have Rotor
Just received this info, haven't had time to try it out, wanted to post it as quickly as possible so you'd know also. Will be trying to send the Sysex with software sequencers, Powertracks first, just to proof the thing. Unfortunately, I don't think any of the keyboard controllers I've got onhand here can send any SYSEX, mumble-mumble, where's the manual... --Mac
"Keep listening. Never become so self-important that you can't listen to other players. Live cleanly....Do right....You can improve as a player by improving as a person. It's a duty we owe to ourselves." --John Coltrane
"You don't know what you like, you like what you know. In order to know what you like, you have to know everything." --Branford Marsalis
#33630 - 06/11/08 07:43 PM
Re: Ketron SD2 & Rotor Settings
Registered: 05/16/08
Posts: 307
Loc: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Originally posted by leeboy: Why in the H did they do it that crazy way instead of simple CC's?
Don't they know we will use the modules (SD2, SD4, Midjay, SD3 etc) with MIDI CONTROLLER keyboards as well as some that may use PC's?
Well, the SD2 is actually the sound engine lifted out of one of Ketron's keyboards. As such, it represents a dynamite way to upgrade MIDI sounds for those of us who own plenty of older keyboards with built in synths. That's the reason for my interest in the Ketron, and even if I never ever had the tonewheel organ drawbars and rotating speaker effect I would still call this little box a darn good bargain at its street price. Instead of upgrading an entire keyboard yet again, less than $400US puts me at the forefront of great samples. That's MUCH less than buying the latest and greatest keyboard one mo' time. And the M-Audio Keystation 88 Pro can indeed send Sysex, programmable from its knobs, according to the manual, so there's at least one solution for getting at the drawbars and rotor control. AND -- there are at least three software pieces available for free download from the Ketron website, one for Sonar, Logic and Cubase IIRC -- these have pictorial drawbars and leslie control on them for use with DAWs, etc. Here's hoping an enterprising programmer might roll up a generic one in VST guise that would run from any VST capable software. All in all, still a great bargain no matter what. I don't expect ketron to redevelop things for a product of this type, at least they let us know the drawbars and rotor are IN the thing, I wonder how many other companies would have simply avoided the issue and not told anybody, electing to make the money off of the 380 MIDI patches alone, leaving this information hidden. Its a great little box. --Mac
"Keep listening. Never become so self-important that you can't listen to other players. Live cleanly....Do right....You can improve as a player by improving as a person. It's a duty we owe to ourselves." --John Coltrane
"You don't know what you like, you like what you know. In order to know what you like, you have to know everything." --Branford Marsalis
#33632 - 06/15/08 08:41 PM
Re: Ketron SD2 & Rotor Settings
Registered: 05/16/08
Posts: 307
Loc: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
To Nigel--
I got the rotor effect to work tonight using Powertracks to send that Sysex followed by Controller 30 set to either 0 for OFF, 64 for Chorale and 127 for Fast.
Not all that excited about the effect I hear on the stereo nearfields, though, the 64 and 127 are static. In other words, there is not the excitement of spin-up and spin-down, it is a choice of one or the other (unless I'm missing something here). The effect is also not all that dramatic IMO, don't know how valuable it would be in a live situation actually. Well, maybe a little, but after using the B4 live, I'm not sure if this will be a worthwhile replacement or not, a pity since I was hoping this would be the last thing I would need in order not to have to drag a laptop to every gig, just to use the B4.
YMMV, but unless I can come up with spin-ups and spin-downs, I think I'll just have to settle for what the SD2 can do and does do really well, which are the piano and the midi instruments, the drawbar organ inside it does sound pretty nice, and the MIDI organ patches, some of which at least have Chorale effect off of the Chorus CC93 will have to suffice, I think.
But my copy of Native Instruments B4 organ with leslie simulator plus laptop is still going to go to the gigs, right alongside my SD2.
"Keep listening. Never become so self-important that you can't listen to other players. Live cleanly....Do right....You can improve as a player by improving as a person. It's a duty we owe to ourselves." --John Coltrane
"You don't know what you like, you like what you know. In order to know what you like, you have to know everything." --Branford Marsalis