How are the fingers doing now with the guitar, Gunnar? Your tenacity should soon put you on a par with the best guitar players. Have you done any style conversion of Technics to Korg that might help Marty?
Well, I've learned that sore fingers do hurt a bit

I guess it needs time and tons of patience, and some time between the lessons to make the fingertips grow.
Not as eager as I was at the beginning, but the guitar is easier to bring along when take trips with the MotorHome,
so we'll see........
Latest update of EMC have PA3X as an option, so convert should work. So far I have not converted much, but
it's no problem convert a few if Marty want me to.
If so, I need the material he want to convert, cause I don't have any KN7k or other KN's to copy files from.