HI my friends,
ScottYee BtweenGigs Bachus and 1234567 lol...
Montunoman Vagro
Thank you @ll So much for youre verry nice comments
Thats all verry nice of you and makes me verry happy
I still cant believe all the responds on youtube and here in SZ
They realy changed my live because they give me a real good feeling and you people are all verry nice in taking the time to respond
Thats is for me still unbelieveble because i never experienced something like this
logical because i just started a few weeks ago lol.....
sometimes i get a little bit speechless
But i am verry greatfull and i am enjoying verry much my stay here in this forum to be a part of some great musicians
en discus some nice things about music with eachother
Thank you again and have a great weekend
Sorry for the englisch because i'm not so good in expressing myself in the right words but i think you al wil understand what i mean heheh...
Greetings Rico