You have to understand that reasonable people can agree to disagree...
I don't think that someone disrespects me, simply because they don't agree with me. The only time I ever feel like that is when they flame me
personally, presumably because they are too ignorant to express their opinion about the issue in a coherent manner or don't understand that nobody is obliged to agree with them
We've all just got to develop some detachment, and understand that someone completely unimpressed with our arranger/PA/demo doesn't mean someone completely unimpressed with US
They care enough to post, that's for sure!
No-one is dissing your gran-kids, here. Just holding different points of view about an arranger. You REALLY so emotionally invested in that?
You want to find a forum with NO disagreements on it? I would try the American Apathy Society's forum. If they bother to put one up...
(or, apparently, if you sign up for it, they ban you, for not being really into apathy!)
No apathy here, and that's why I love it!